
Startijenn (energy in Breton) draws energy out of its roots to create a powerful, vibrant, and above all contemporary sound.

Born in 1997, when the founding members were only 13 years old, the group gave itself a mission: To shake-up festoł-noz and concerts in Brittany, France, and worldwide (Malaysia, Slovakia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain).

Born in 1997, when the founding members were only 13 years old, the group gave itself a mission: To shake-up festoł-noz and concerts in Brittany, France, and worldwide (Malaysia, Slovakia, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain).

This band of five musicians, fuses traditional instruments (bombarde, binioł, uilleann-pipes and diatonic accordion) with rhythm section (bass and guitar) offering superb Breton music through original compositions. The idea is to absorb all the excitement and enthusiasm created by popular gatherings, where the dance and music combine into one for the benefit of a collective euphoria. Yes its that energy that's present right here!

After three studio albums, of which the last two were awarded "Breton album of the year", the group surprised the public in 2012 with El-TaQa, a creation with special guests. A unique encounter that draws the audience away on an Arabic trance with Breton influences. Moments recorded on the live album from Les Vieilles Charrues, Cornouaille, Interceltique, Yaouank. They continue after 20 years of rocking stages in 2020 evolving all the time and yet remain one powerful original band that is Startijenn ..

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