At the beginning of 2014 Russ Cooper and Pat Fish were in a Northampton pub where they have a weekly Folk Night downstairs. A man appeared up the stairs carrying a large black flight case. They got talking and after a while they asked the obvious question, "What's in the box?"

He opened it and it was full of bagpipes from all over Europe. A couple of beers late and Ian said he was looking to work with musicians outside of the groups he usually played with, bringing different influences in and expanding what people normally thought of as bagpipe music.

A month or so later Ian and Russ got together and started trying to work out where the common ground was, finding the roots that they shared and building on them.

Pat joining on bass resulted in what's been described as a Medieval Drum and Bass sound combined with Hendrix style Bagpipes.

The first release from the band was the six song album La Belle and The Bear in 2017. After that there were months playing festivals and venues.

A band's never really a band until it gets to hear what it sounds like. Having managed to meld the three existing styles it was decided to add a fourth, so guitarist Steve was asked if he'd like to play with the band one night. The impact was immediate, allowing Ian the space to put down the pipes for some songs and bring in the dulcimer.

April 2018 the band went into Stalkers Studio and Northampton to record three songs, Gernika, The Bear and the first recording from the band to feature dulcimer, Bayati Blues - a cover version of a song by TootArd from the occupied Golan Heights

The Drones Club plays music where the drums and bass lines lay down a steady beat while the bagpipes, dulcimer and guitar provide a melody that is both hypnotic and a little bit scary. It's Folk Music from Northampton UK . and now available through Frusion ... lets go!

Email me: , or call +44(0) 7791 699889 to book.
Drones Club